Saturday 22 May 2010

Hat Trick

A ceiling-
Feeling the brilliant gravity of
the floor beneath.
I shall not fall
nor trip over. Nor resort
to hiding my face, in shame.

Conquer All.
Spot on.
Right on the ball.
Balance and bounce my way
to the top.
Mountains will drop
before my eyes. Swallowed
by the floor.

But I'm safe.
Sat down. By the table.
All still and sophisticated.
Be like me?
Only if you follow my lead,
as per.

The Blue - of course

The blue, is going black, is going
green, is going back,
is going off up on a tangent,
is going grey, is going stringent,
is harsh to me, is flying over,
it is so dangerous to breathe,
and is completely taking over;
is so polite, is lacking insight,
its faceless stream, is freaking me out;
is so bizarre and ever so polite,
is tropical breeze, is getting
slightly too late.
The blue has no say. It's
forgotten and ignored.
It's shouting it's so bored.
But telling it to get lost
brings back even more.