Wednesday, 3 October 2012

startrekstairs interview

-when will it be the time to admit my disillusionment?

-i've looked for reasons to encourage my involvement but in reality, the truth of the matter is that i can no longer support or explain my presence in this surrounding.

my advanced introspection has aided me in reaching the brand new lonely level of meta-meta-meta-modern post-development. now can your cat do this? i didn't think so.

my astral aura is solid gold and can take any vibration or intrusion from any humanoid or planetary presence that may visit the space nearby. it is the tribute to any doubt anyone has ever voiced towards me. Take that you mothermiserablebiatches! you hear me? put this sheer solid proper G O L D in your crack pipes. and lose your lighter so you can't even smoke it. ha!

-i'm sorry, i occasionally allow my superior criticism to come out in the form of playful banter. it's jus' bants though. don't take it serious. nobody take it serious. i'm not to be believed or trusted, if you want to be safe. for most humans, knowing something magical or other-dimensional is not tolerated well by the body. your system could overload and break, you could get stuck in a purgatory state of non-enlightenment without guidance. so no, be very careful. accept your physical limitations. you cannot and shall not push yourself further than you understand, you promise? now that's good good. i'd hate to be responsible for your breakage.

-yes, i smoke do you? it is my one sinful human body habit i have allowed myself to have. i tell you i don't fart, or smell bad or am overweight or sleep more than 7 hours a day, but cigarettes, yes. i am allowed to have that one. the Skylar world is a vast space of new and the same. smoking is hardly an actual barrier to reaching the information projected by the magnetic fields. also it makes me look sophisticated in front of my crystal ball. a little old-school like a retro fortune-teller. like the one my great great great grandma probably paid to keep in her castle or summat.

( please don't include this: i've had enough of this interview now. can we take a break? i can only bullshit for this long before i get a headache. tracy pass me the cocodamols will you? tracy! hurry up. i am not gonna fucking suffer for this bullshit. come on, darling. ah thanks. and can you empty this ashtray, it's starting to look like your miserable face. it smells like it too. * aggressive coughing* yeah yeah probably need a bit of drink too. -shouts: why is my glass empty and dry?? who's responsible for refilling it? that's right ziggy, it's you and you've lost a point off your personal development lessons. no, it's fine you can earn it again, oh don't you fucking dare cry. man up. how will you fight alien soul demons if you're so soft? oh come on, you know i love all my kids. yeah, some bourbon would be great yep. there we go. there i go.)

-where was i? oh yeah, so you'd like a prediction huh? normally i wouldn't do this in public. and of course money is not required although a lot of my guests do feel happier with their karma balance after they have made a donation to match the help they get from me. so, let's see. you have rough hands don't you? hmmm i think you are a stubborn and hard working person that doesn't give up, but you need to make time for yourself and forget other people. your spirit guide cannot reach you while you're working and the money you're making is too much for your, sweet'art. it's literally messing with your resonance to the universe and stopping you from being truly yourself and truly happy. did you know, that we instinctively know how to bend and support our bodies just the correct amount of heigh adjustment so we can climb up or down a staircase? see this is not really magic, but haha i'm using the power of knowledge to impress, you see? (chuckles)

-thank you for this. it was very interesting for all of us. may you be lucky and pure. bye bye.

-and one more thing, daaahling. you jus you, come here for a sec. bye to the rest of you! you, i know you hate me, you b1tch. you can not leave. never leave this room again. go sit in that chair. girls, i have someone i'd like you to meet.

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