Sunday, 13 May 2012


my elbows fill up with cold liquid. it enters quickly from my middle fingers and runs up sharply to the elbow bone. i channel.
i suppose everyone gets this and it's not just another of my idiosyncrasies uniformally attributed to my foreignness or my whimsical stature. but just occasionally i get sidetracked into thinking i know it is only me. when i walk past a place and i know there is something there 'we' cannot see. when two ladies, looking the part, pity my pathetic wallowing stare of bus-travelling and unnecessary pain and nod to me. it is like hearing something or seeing it. a sense that i really can't define or manipulate. and the other people i detect. i know they know. they know i know. we're basically all sat there not thinking this but pretty much communicating in invisible nods and handshakes.
i am aware of the seriousness of phrasing something so delicate and easily considered as madness or overzealous hope for magical properties. i am not clear of my intentions.
but i am not lying.
seriously. i channel. i pick up. i respect the order of the flow. i can see the actual flow of everything.
and i have no power within it. i am only there to observe and let it rush through me.
i don't want any involvement. i am not meant to change anything. i do not require participation further to this. would you request the clouds move towards one direction over an other just because you could see them? no. proof is irrelevant. but nothing magical is.
rituals are of personal importance anyway. you really don't need to do them if you can concentrate your brain on the one specific request or claim or message. and i rarely do. and it always fucks me up. it's not a fear of repercussions, but rather an unwilling trade-off for nothing. no pain no fucking gain. but i don't need any gain, as you don't. whatever. this is so general i doubt it is meaningful or relevant.
i remember the greet to a soldier. i remember upsetting someone with my heavily distraught emotions in their front living room. i remember the welcome to decisiveness.and angst. the rituals that followed pain. the pain that followed rituals. and now, as tried and tested i can fully disclose and rip open my little sachet of wisdom powder and sprinkle it over your eye. hilariously, the one you don't know you have.
and anyway, if you need something, you may get it. it's a matter of approaching it right. it has to be a requirement and not a luxury. it has to be fair. it has to flow to you the way you flow to it. it is purely a coordinated coincidence.
be aware of the balance.
respect as you wish to be respected.
anyway, whatever, this advice might be irrelevant. but nothing magical is.


  1. *akward hug* :D x

    1. i'm a sucker for awkward hugs. multitude of the back at cha <3
