Thursday, 8 January 2015


i am waiting for a very important document
i am waiting for a letter.

i am waiting for a letter that affirms I am ME. I am my issue. A letter that confirms my issue. I am confirming I am and the letter is on its way.

i am waiting for a letter, an official document, to prove me right.
I am waiting for an official document, affirming my issues, the presence of which are essentially obstructive to my well-being.
i am waiting for a very important letter, to document my issues, to officiate my woes, to prove me right, to tell them I am really and completely a true person with actual issues that do indeed require special treatment.

oh the treatment.

oh the letter.

oh the waiting.

i am waiting for this letter and have waited and this letter has not come. yet. waiting for it, unlike having received an official document, is officially dead time. i am waiting on dead time. dead waiting for official time, to officially officiate me as dead. no, as issues. as one issue. my issue. my official waiting time penance for an official something which has not reached us yet, so I don't know what it is. and what could it be, worse than waiting?

i am desperate. I am desperately waiting for this document to reach me. i am waiting for my officiation as a person of issue. i am waiting to be issued with my official report. i am waiting for the issue documentation to reach me officially. now. i am desperate. i am despair. i am waiting for despair. i am officially despairing waiting for an issue-filled affirmation of my ailments.

did i mention bored? i am bored of waiting. bored of being desperate too. i am bored of waiting desperately and desperately bored of waiting.

i am waiting for the letter to reach the mediator, to reach the moderator, to reach the offender, to reach the mediator, to reach the moderator, to reach the mediator, to reach the official VOICE of expert testimony, to reach the mediator, to reach the moderator, to reach me and the offender.

and all this for what?

why wouldn't they take my little voice at face value? my little voice, for i am desperate. my face full of pensive waiting. my value devaluing by the minute, as i wait and waste time and wait some more, for what we already all see and know and wish we didn't have to think about again, we're so totally over this.

we are waiting for waiting's sake. as if by magic, waiting for time to pass will make our life issues any less valid, excusing us for a momentary loss of self-respect and discipline, legitimising our tears and our frustrations.

we are waiting for life to pass, just so we feel there has been some action. as if  - if anything, waiting is a mere description of inaction. pensive. bored. dead. i hope this has been worth it. like with world problems. like with anything important or big or serious we need to discuss or deal with.i may go back in time and change my status. as soon as i stop waiting, my issues will officially be over.