Thursday, 26 January 2012

the work

one of those work dreams.
i am last in the office. the lights go off. i don't go home. instead, i sleep on my desk. i wake up at 5 am and the cleaner decides not to come in, so the panic about having to hide/the Anna Frank girl that hides, working upstairs gets forgotten.
my boss & colleagues will be in soon. it's already 6 and 7 am. i am aware i will have to pretend i have been home and come back. i escape through opening and closing the door quickly to confuse anyone standing outside it. i walk down to a lab. i try to get coffee out of the clinical injectiony/chemical/scary vending machine. i get a fix. i jump across the road to an entire new country and it's 50% green grass and 50% concrete staircases.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

the cat in the box

gentle caress, inside the silk-lined box. i am miniature and loved so much i accept this as it is.
soft movements so i don't wake up. they touch my fur and i can feel the waves of motion in my heart.
the concept of mortality and the distinction of physical boundaries have stopped being relevant to me since the incident. i am a new thing, new skin, new energy, crumpled up paper with drawn arrows on. i am pointing everywhere, beaming, having remembered i can be complete without effort, as i wish.

living for this second.
i wish for this to continue until i have forgotten how to speak and that is no longer needed anyway.