Monday, 22 February 2010


This repetition is formed to enhance all aesthesis.
The real deal lies somewhere in the dark.
I've fallen for a rebellious prophylactic superstition
to save, destroy,
start the drawing again.

Minimalism, however
was never my strong point.
Excessive, protective, safe; safe and covered.
An extensive family of
the familiar. Just for me.

And then we can leave.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

lonely balcony

'We' (in the loosest sense- more appropriately: 'they', with my consent and support- I'm not  known for my interest in urban gardening) considered passion flowers.
Following Munir's recommendation, 'we' went out and got some. Anxiously, tied some squiggly examples of the climber to the green balcony bars. Hey Presto! Instant miracle- from prison cool to tropical paradise in a split second, we dreamt. How delusional.

Soon enough, the snow attacked our plants, killing them all but the purple lettuce in the yellow wellies pot. We never had the chance to measure the passion.
Sitting down and looking out the window I spot the bare, anticlimb, green bars, dodgy drug dealers, the man who refuses to clean up after his german shepherd and the joyous shit-machine bouncing next to him. I'm sad I will never get to find out if the passionflowers would indeed fuck all our other plants, generating a brand new, sexually gratified, inappropriately successful type of balcony garden.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

my winter coat (forgetting the fly persona for a day)

a- the shiny single threads found everywhere. they used to be red, but as I adopted the 'good girl' identity I also adopted the 'listen to your mother' when it comes to chemical treatment of the head hair moto- hence it is now a boring Mediterranean brown. it does have some streaks of sunkissedness depending on its mood, how can this be ignored? (not so)secretly (at all) I love it. it helps my face make sense.

one thread I can spot on my plate. resting quietly amongst crumbs and two pieces of crust. (desperation has lead me to eat those in the past, to no avail. I am mature enough to understand and accept that it will never develop any curl to it. so can now be free to leave them and occasionally feed them to willing and hungry nearby people -or ducks)
another two are waving at me from the drying laundry on the radiator. they are stuck on some socks I don't recognise as mine. They are dull and unshiny. Fabrically softened perhaps.

b- irritating wool blobs need to be attacked with scissors. My coat is full of them, between the bottom of my sleeves and the underarm down to waist parts. My old lady look is destroyed by such details. So I invested in a new bright fuchsia coat, instead. not as warm, but as tulipy and as out of fashion as possible. Am I betraying my good old friend opting for this happier, younger model? Is this a change I will later recognise as signifying my development stages?

c- pretence of innocence. speaking my mind. and then shutting up. and conveniently forgetting anything was said. music on loop, pots of coffee, refreshing and clicking away. Since I lost my umbrella, winter has become much more challenging. I've upped my game and now need to become an adult. There's no escape, even my adult parents wish me to be adult. No more poetic avoidance and dancing my way out of horrid obligations.

Alter ego help me get a job please.