Sunday, 17 January 2010


Between posts addition. a hiccup of boredom, if you like.*

When I was younger I accidentally broke a mercury thermometer on my desk. The liquid baubles of deadly awesomeness spread everywhere. The best way to describe this to a protected, mercury-safe population is it looked like 20 silverfish sliding around my desk, towards every possible horizontal direction, looking for a hiding place when someone switches the lights on. It was decided that I better had clean it up, and wash my hands a minimum of twenty million times, to be safe. And so I did - I did not wish to die in such a stupid accident, so insignificant and so uncool. For about a year I kept finding bits inside my notebooks, in CD cases and even in my blue SONY Walkman (aptly painted over with black nail varnish). This has resulted to a perpetual (and by now, probably permanent) fear of CD cases, excessive hand-washing after handling books, and avoiding placing pens in mouth, when they have touched my working area. But don't feel sorry for me, the adrenaline buzz makes me concentrate better.

*I typed "hiccup" and not "hiccough", to be more street. I personally prefer the unnecessary complication of the latter.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Bedtime Explorations

So overwhelming.
A world of smells. I'm buzzing. I'm buzzing.

From here- onto the opposite wall. Go to the vertical lines. sit. still.
i can smell the fleece beneath me, a dive to the warmer and wetter of the space. I know. I know. the urges override my recognition processes. I can smell the yellowing paper on this old paper clipping on my left. I can smell the decayed selotape adorning it's corners in an angle. I can smell the ugly faces on it. I can smell meaningless meat storing instructions. The lady relied on rubbish. How could she call herself an expert? But no, I'm digressing. Smelling is believing. (wha-? What happened to my cousin?)

I- KNOW- the location of everything. i can KNOW. I smell the water and the curtain and the mood these creatures are in, right now. I can smell the coldness of the lightbulb. I can smell the heat the TV set is emitting.
I'm buzzing. I'm buzzing. Zoom in to the fleece. I gave in to my craving. Warm body breathing underneath it. i can smell it. Longish fur, lots of saliva, recently befriended some mud. Delight! The smells of my childhood. This local mud scent always makes me smile. I remember the first realisation of my size in relation to what I found myself in love with-- at the time it was a quarter of a galia melon skin. Mmmm i'm licking my lips. I'm ready for a nibble of memory.

Shit! the bitch just wagged me flat on the window accross her. |licking it is nowhere near a relief as needed, but it'll do for now|

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Revolution of Resolutions

The following consists of recent experiences, made into a list. They are the things I have spent the first night of the year thinking about. They are somehow neutral and do not involve people's actions as much as how they are related to me. I prefer to divert my introspective assessment of life, through my lens, to physical and witnessed. Judgements and criticism as to actions and views of other people do not interest me. I'd rather bitch about that in a rubbish, stereotypical 'bitching' session.

A List of my favorite things, present in the last chunk of 2009 and first few steps into the next bracketed period of a 'year'

cat paws (still attached to cats).
sun when it's freezing cold, enjoyed via clean and slightly steamed window, whilst holding a perfect temperature mint tea.
'eye' as a greek way of describing a kitchen hob.
having hair.
the shins.
crisp ironed sheets.
looking into someone's eyes when they genuinely smile.
foil chocolate/sweet wrappers folded in unique ways indicating individual creativity.
my sister's xmas presents.
parentals and their unlimited tolerance of my grump.
lil' wayne panna cotta with toasted theremin and coconut crunch.
the hidden track after 'waiting for the beat to kick in' by dan le sac vs scroobius pip.
dancing alone.
dancing in public, as if dancing alone.

Hate List

earphones too big for my ears.
earphones on a plane.
a plane.
screaming childrens.
being tired and anyone mentioning how tired they are as if it's a problem pending, to be solved by me, when i'm also as tired.
self-criticism that makes me antisocial and apologetic.
everlasting dry lipline that insist on being dry despite two pots of 'extra moisturising' lipbalm having been dedicated to them.
kettle failure.
nail breakage.
outrageous and 'cool persona' small talk at an airport, when u think you'll never see that person again, only to find you're queueing with them at 4 more queues on your way home.
being unable to help, when desperately wanting to.
feeling inappropriate in situations I considered as owned (by me).
unmixed, full length dubstep tracks.

I have no NY resolutions. Why would I? Sufficient introspective skill exhibited, surely... I could not get more perfect.. maybe I should just be more selective over what i consume, i guess... household rubbish bins are not appropriate for a bourgeois fly.